I don't know what was in your CSA box this week, but ours had potatoes, green beans & spring onions, among other early summer harvest. So when my lovely, dear & ever helpful friend came to visit today, we had a summer veggie roast.
1-2 lbs potatoes
Quart green beans
20 green onion bulbs
10 cloves garlic, peeled (optional)
Olive oil
Sea Salt
Cut potatoes into small wedges. Cut off green onion tops & clean bulbs. Trim green beans.
Mix potatoes, onions, beans & optional garlic cloves in a large bowl with a generous swirl of olive oil. Be sure all veggies are coated. Salt to taste.
Spread evenly on one or more roasting pans, and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until potatoes are soft.
My daughter Sydney has her own variation on this dish where she adds whole cloves of garlic, and although I didn't do it today due to time constraints, I must admit, it wasn't the same without the garlic. Next time, I'll make time for the garlic prep.
And a final note, you might notice a new tag down below: ministry. I struggled for a name for what I'm tagging, and ultimately chose this over service or charity. After the recent birth of my third baby, I realized that there are certain times in a person's life where a friend showing up at the door with a dish makes all the difference between feeling alone and unloved and feeling supported by a community. I think it's important that I make time to show the friends in my community that they are supported and cared for in their vulnerable times.
Yet, it's so hard to find time for "food ministry" when you have to think of what to fix each and every time. This is the part that has always been my downfall in the past, for both potlucks and friends in need.
So I'm tagging it. Hopefully a database of easy, quick "comfort foods" will be just what I need to provide this for my people.
This recipe sounds excellent - definitely one of my favorite summer from the garden combinations - but i can't imagine this with out ham. :) Come to think of it my other summer favorite is a BLT and corn on the cob... Not sure why, but for some reason - I seem to associate garden meals with pork. Perhaps this has something to do with my grandfather being a retired hog farmer... Yup, I actually took a piglet to show and tell in first grade. Do you pair this with a protein?
similar to the foil fire wrapped one we id - right Julie. We have enjoyed that several times since : )
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